The list can be rearranged to try and figure out if a mod is causing issues with another when enabling multiple. Those at the top of the list are loaded first and consecutively from top to bottom. The order of the mods in Noita’s mod menu decides which load first. Start a Noita game as usual and the mod should work as long as it’s compatible with the latest version.If it’s enabled, it will have an X mark to the left of the mod name. Find the mod you downloaded in the list and click it to enable it.Fortunately, this is a simple procedure if the file is in the right place. If your file is in the right folder and the mod isn’t working still, it’s likely not enabled. If you put a zip file into the mods folder without extracting it, it won’t work. Proceed to the next section on enabling your mod. Start Noita or restart Noita if you had it open while doing this.The folder will have a file inside named “PLACE_MODS_HERE”. Otherwise, the Noita mod folder is along this file path, D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Noita\mods. Extract the zip file to your Noita mods folder found by launching Noita, clicking the “Mods (experimental) menu button, and “Open mod folder” at the top right.Extract the zip file by right-clicking the folder, picking “Extract All…”.It will likely be a zip file that needs to be extracted. Disclaimer, this guide is applicable to other operating systems, but this is written for Windows 10.
If you have a mod or are trying to understand how to install a mod in Noita, here’s a little help. Take a look at our article on the Best 15 Noita Mods to Install for more content. If you’re looking for mods on the Steam Workshop, Noita doesn’t currently have support for it. However, some creators are uploading at Nexus Mods, despite very few. ModWorkshop is the best place to find Noita mods as its where most creators are uploading them. Before you read about how to install a mod, you need to have one in mind.